Early birds

Early birds
Early birds
Early birds
Early birds
Early birds
Early birds
KL was still sleeping when we arrived to the Central station 4:45AM. After breakfast we took a long walk in a big park nearby. It was too early for checking in to a hostel so we spent our first morning together with 5000 birds.
Aikaiset linnut
Juna saapui uinuvaan Kuala Lumpuriin aamuyöllä. Pitkä aamukävely suuressa ja vehreässä puistossa johdatti meidät yllättäen viidentuhannen linnun seuraan.


  1. Oh. Did you go to the KL Bird Park!? I love that area! lots of greens and there's a big lake too!

  2. Yep :) The amount of green was breath taking. Both KL and Singapore were amazingly lush.
