Destination one

Destination one
Destination one
Destination one
Destination one
Destination one
Destination one
Destination one
Despite of twenty two hours traveling by train and short ferry trip the weather wasn´t any cooler in Georgetown than in Bangkok. Hot hot heat. It was nice to finally visit Penang island. I´ve visited Malaysia six years ago but that time we visited Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi.
Ensimmäinen päivä
Kiehuvan kuuma Georgetown odotti kahdenkymmenenkahden tunnin junamatkan ja lyhyen lauttamatkan päässä. Oli hauskaa päästä vihdoin vierailemaan Penangilla. Kuusi vuotta takaperin Malesian matkan rantaosuus sijoittui viereiselle Langkawin saarelle.


  1. Oh. These photos are making me feel very nostalgic! I miss those ferry that we take from Butterworth to Penang island! btw. I was born here. I wanna have some Penang food!

  2. Wow. Really? Georgetown was so colorful and the food was absolutely delicious!

  3. I just discover your blog and I'm glad to say that I kinda love it. I'm French, currently living in Copenhagen and with some Asian blood. That's maybe why, I found your so interesting because in some parts, it reminds me my own experience. Anyways, great blog, great pictures (do you resize them into square ones ?)

  4. Hi Camille. Yep, the photos are cropped into square ones. Thanks for the nice words, come back again :)

  5. It´s so nice to hear, Alan :)
