One size fits all

One size fits all
One size fits all
One size fits all
One size fits all
In Bangkok I make most of the shoppings from different bazaars. I have found it very soothing that the amazingly giant selection is somehow limited because of the one size politics. It either fits or then it does not.
Kaksi vaihtoehtoa
Valtaosa Bangkokissa tehdyistä vaateostoksistani tapahtuu markkinoilla. Pidän itseasiassa melko helpottavana että tuotteet ovat yleensä saatavilla vain yhdessä koossa. Rajoittavat tekijät helpottavat mielipuolisen laajan valikoiman hahmottamista. Tuotteet joko sopivat, tai vaihtoehtoisesti eivät sovi.


  1. Looks like a nice place to shop! I wanna go shopping at Chatuchak! I have problem buying clothes in Japan too coz' they are so tiny :o

  2. Chatuchak is super (crazy!) :D And these are from two different bazaars: two photos from Klongsan bazaar and two from Suan Lum night bazaar. I bet you have nice bazaars in Japan too!

  3. shoes shoes shoes! lol i love the ones with the huge strawberries :)

  4. cool blog, i stumbled upon this from flickr
