There was still few pictures left from Fuji Reala 100 roll. I took a swim in Baltic Sea (+8c) every evening during the past week. The experience was a bit different than the ones I had in the Andaman Sea in April (+28c).
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Löysin vielä muutaman kuvan huhtikuun Reala-rullalta. Viime viikkoiset iltauinnit Itämeressä (+8c) tuntuivat jokseenkin erilaisilta kuin uudenvuoden pulikoinnit Andamaanin meressä (+28c).
The latest blog post fro you have all have awesome photos. Really like the way you use your camera.
ReplyDeleteps. have started uploading the Helsinki photos now :)
Thanks Lisa. I´ll go and check out the photos now :)