Lao Lao

Lao Lao
Lao Lao
Lao Lao
Lao Lao
Four random photos from our spring trip to Laos. Here you can find the rest of the pictures from Vientiane, Luang Prabang and Vang Vieng.
Lao Lao
Salamannopea paluu Laosiin rullien viimeisten ruutujen kautta. Loput matkakuvat on tsekattavissa täältä.


  1. I really find your blog very interesting! Is like going there without moving from my boring office :) This are so nice!! Take care!

  2. I want to go to Laos too... I wonder how long those white santas have been there... I guess its always chirstmas in laos! lol

  3. Barbara: Thanks! I´m so happy to hear that it´s possible to give you a change to take a little trip to Laos, especially because I´m myself in Finland right now. Haha.

    Chibi: Yeah, at least in Thailand it´s always good time for christmas and new year decorations :) Love it!
