Surfaces surfaces

Surfaces surfaces
Surfaces surfaces
Surfaces surfaces
Out of four people two left Bangkok this morning for a holiday in Ko Chang and one will be leaving to Taiwan tomorrow. Even the girl-next-door has left to Ko Samed. Guess who's staying at home sweet home.
Pelkkää pintaa
Neljästa asukkaasta kaksi vaihtoi tänä aamuna Bangkokin Changin saareen, ja kolmas karkaa huomenna Taiwaniin. Myös neiti naapuriasunnosta on Sametilla jo toista viikkoa. Arvatkaa kuka pysyy kotona..


  1. What is the scarf like thing they are wearing in the last photo?

  2. Hi!

    I am a big fan of the colour scheme of this post: muted yellows and blues, punctuated by bright oranges. These colours scream 'humid summer', somehow.

  3. *°º¤♥-=|F®äñ|=-♥*°º¤: Thanks! :)

    sleepwalkintokyo: It has something to go with university, and maybe with graduation. i'm not sure. does anyone else know?

    helena: nice!
