Summer break

Summer break
Summer break
Yeah. My home-alone-days are over. The two of three came back few hours ago and the third one will fly back to Bangkok on Wednesday. We´ve been planning exciting trip together - and looks like it´s time to leave the city next week!
Lomailijat palaavat pikkuhiljaa kotiin. Kaksi kolmesta saapui tänään ja kolmas lentää Bangkokiin keskiviikkoiltana. Uusi retki on itseasiassa jo suunnitteilla, ja tällä kertaa pääsen myös itse mukaan. Lähtö ensi viikolla!


  1. siis mikä homma toi vika kuva on?

  2. Vitamilkin moderni mainos :)

  3. Oh. How exciting! Where are you planning to go !? Looking forward to see your trip photos :) btw. The 2nd picture is some kind of art installation?

  4. Actually it's an advertisement By Vitamilk, In Siam Square :) I'm so excited about the trip. We'll jump into a train and travel all the way to Singapore. Stopping by in Kuala Lumpur, at least!

  5. oh! how exciting! I've traveled from Penang to Bangkok by train too! The train journey was great! I would suggest you to stop by Melaka if you have not been there. Lots of interesting old architecture to see!

  6. I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm loving all your photos! I was in Bangkok two summers ago when I was in Thailand teaching English.

  7. sleepwalkingintokyo: Thanks for the tip! Sounds good. We´ll keep it in our mind when we jump on a train. Woop woop!

    Sewon: Thanks, and sunny greetings back to Mexico! :)
