Hi home

Hi home
Hi home
Hi home
Good to be back. After a very nice week can´t do nothing but get some rest now. I brought a tough flu as a souvenir. Stay tuned for Lao pics!
Ohoi. Huippuviikon päätteeksi toin itselleni tuliaisena rankan flunssan. Ensin lepo, sitten kuvat!


  1. Welcome back! Hope you get well soon! I was down with flu too last week. It's horribly cold in Tokyo now. Please drink lots of water and rest well. Can't wait to see your Laos pics!

  2. Hi! It´s nice to see you here again :) Thanks for the kind wishes. Lao films will be ready tomorrow afternoon so i´ll promise to feel better by then. Haha. Keep yourself warm in the freeze!

  3. Pikaista paranemista, odotan jo innolla kuvia teidän reissusta :)

  4. Kiitti beibi <3 Viime flunssasta olikin jo melkein 10kk! Toivottavasti te pysytte terveenä nietoksien keskellä :D
